Sustainable and Easy-to-play
Existing GameFi Model
Ever-increasing number of NFTs
Tokens released at an accelerating pace
Games that do not require much mental effort on the part of players
These factors have led to excessive volatility in NFTs while the market quickly collapsed due to the excessive issuance of tokens relative to the scale of the game.
Tokenomics of the BC Token in Eternal Crypt Wizardry
We seek to create a sustainable token mechanism by introducing parameters such as “alchemy power” that prevents the circulation of NFTs and tokens that exceeds the scale of the game.
Adventurer NFTs that can be safely purchased
Sustainable token circulation
Sophisticated gaming design in which players are required to leverage their creativity
Reliable Purchasing of Adventurer NFTs
There are three ways to purchase Adventurer NFTs in this game:
• Purchase during in-game sales
• Purchase from the in-game marketplace
• Purchase from external game marketplaces
Also, there are the following ways to mint new Adventurer NFTs in the game:
• Introduction of Adventurer NFTs
• Resurrection through the combination of "Adventurer's Ashes" and "Lost Souls"
The sale of Adventurer NFTs in the game is carefully managed with controlled quantities.
Likewise, the minting of new NFTs is regulated by controlling the supply of necessary items, ensuring that the supply of Adventurer NFTs doesn't become excessive.
This built-in control mechanism helps maintain balance.
Furthermore, the concept of Alchemical Power allows us to avoid the risk of a significant increase in the volume of Blood Crystals supplied to the market from Adventurer NFTs, even in the event of an oversupply of Adventurer NFTs.
Sustainable Token Circulation and External Revenue
In this project, we have adopted a single token model with a maximum issuance limit to achieve sustainable token circulation. We have also set up various token consumption points within the game.
In addition to in-game purchases, we are also expecting to generate external revenue to support our token economy. This external revenue could come from advertising targeted at free users within the game, revenue from collaborations with other games or NFT projects, and monetizing our project's IP (such as novelization, comic adaptation, and other media mix strategies).
High level of Game Completion and a Game System that Encourages Player Creativity
We have adopted the Cookie Clicker model, a simple yet highly addictive game model. By adding strategy through Adventurer NFTs, we are able to provide a game that can be enjoyed in various ways according to each player's creativity and ingenuity.
In this project, our development team, who has successfully run numerous popular mobile game apps for over five years, is involved. Therefore, it is expected that we can continue to grow the game over the long term through event operations and the development of additional features.
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